Su had a nice time playing with the kids in the pool.
Aleisha teaches Su “the funny face.”
There were 5 dogs (3 of them visitors) at the house, and we thought it would be a good idea to get the dogs together and take a group picture of them. Well … every kid and adult at the house (about 9 or 10 people) spent the next 10 minutes trying to round up the dogs. While they are individually wonderful dogs … they … (similar to young children) had no intention of sitting and posing for a picture … all at the same time. There was a lot of coaxing, using food as a reward, strict alpha commands, physical brute strength and every other possible technique to try to get the dogs to sit together. Actually, the idea of them sitting together was deemed a failure in about 2 minutes, and the rest of the time was spent just trying to get them in the same general space. This is the closest we came to getting a “group doggie photo” …
In addition to water sports, Su also played a little ball with the guys …
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